Friday, November 18, 2011

Heroscape: Atlantis

Just a short entry this week.

A few weeks ago I was inspired to start designing a board resembling Atlantis from Stargate: Atlantis

I started desiging it in VirtualScape, but I couldn't make it work out exactly like I wanted, so I had to go to the game table and start building.  After I got it worked out, I finished it off in the computer, and here's the final result:

There are six starting zones on the edges (6 landing platforms) of the city, there are three sets of buildings in the central part of the city, and, of course, there is the central control tower.  You may notice the several Glyphs of Erland (Summoning) scattered around the board.  These glyphs mark the transporters which can move figures around to other parts of the city.  All the upper platforms in the central part of the city can only be accessed by transporter.

I may not use all Glyphs of Erland (as I don't think I actually have 10 of them.  It could be any glyph, really, or any 10 glyphs power-side down.

Here are some pics of the actual board:

Hold the city of the ancients against all invaders, or take the city from all other contenders!!

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